Today, HRR was an obstacle course of JavaScript fundamentals understanding. The title of this post relates to the keyword ‘this’, which was a topic taught today and is in itself a subject of JS demanding many hours of conceptualizing and practical usage to fully understand. At least I’m getting started. Among ‘this’, the new-ish material of the day involved learning and relearning concepts regarding scopes and closures.

Regarding the other stuff covered today: there was pair programming, watching video lectures, town hall, watching live lectures, the list goes on and on. It seems like after a long day of Hack Reactor, you just want to sit down, stare at a blank wall, and think about nothing (or perhaps anything but Hack Reactor) until you finally go to bed just to wake up to repeat the process. Or maybe it’s just me.

Still, keeping busy is better than doing nothing all day, right? I’ve got my first self-assessment tomorrow, which me luck!